Courses We Offer

  • Trauma Basics

    Don’t let the name fool you, everyone can be more proficient in the basics. They are what save lives. This course covers scene assessment, legal ramifications, and the M.A.R.C.H. assessment. Each class will go over how to control life-threatening bleeding, basic airway management, hypothermia management, vitals and patient presentation, patient movement and getting them to higher levels of care. This no-nonsense course hits the ground running with hands on application throughout and ends with scenarios to test student knowledge and application.

  • Custom Courses

    Does your group/organization need medical training?
    We will custom tailor a course to your needs and schedule.

    Some topics that can be covered:
    - Industrial trauma
    - Wilderness First Aid
    - TCCC (Tactical Combat Casualty Care)
    - TECC (Tactical Emergency Casualty Care)
    - Vehicle trauma
    - Wound management

Interested in a course?

Use the form below to get in touch with the sales team.